
    19:e Februari 2025


Den 13:e Maj - 2019

Franska Bilar..

Tråkväder och Klippon startar inte även fast jag sprutat startgas i förgasaren.

Satt och googlade på ett fenomen jag har med bilen sen jag bytt stereo.. Displayen lever sitt egna liv.

Man slutar aldrig att förvånas över bilar. Har samma problem som denna killen och han gjorde
allt utom att ringa SOS och beställa en kebabpizza med stark sås och utan sallad.

Speciellt intressant med "Switch on the side lights through the driver's window." Eller
"Remove key open & close door test central locking system."

Men, men.. Funkar det så wtf liksom. Det är ingen som ser en ändå..

Fitted my old reliable Sony MP3/CD player today. The Berlingo/Partner is fantastic for
easy fitting of aftermarket stereos as it was the first time in a very long time that
there was actually room for all of the extra wiring required for the stalk adaptor!
Usually there's a lot of swearing & squeezing hands up tight trim gaps involved
with other cars.

Once fitted though, I found that the central clock display was doing strange things.
Firstly, the display was freezing. The time displayed the same time until the car was
switched off & on again. The "Door Open" warning would freeze where it was when the
door was closed. I was also unable to set the time or date as holding the left hand button
on the display would get "ENGLISH" to flash once, then disappear.

After an exhaustive search using the word "display" I eventually came across an old thread
where somebody stated that you need to disconnect the battery & all will be fine
once reconnected.

I followed this procedure to disconnect & reconnect:

Put the driver's window down, lift the bonnet and ensure all equipment is switched off.

Ensure all doors are closed and remove key from the ignition.

Wait for 3 minutes, disconnect the vehicle battery and wait 15 seconds.

Reconnect the vehicle battery, wait a further 10 seconds (do not open doors.).

Switch on the side lights through the driver's window.

Switch on the ignition and check system's functionality.

Hold lock button on key down for 10 seconds.

Remove key open & close door test central locking system.

Start the engine and complete the system's check.

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