
    8:e Februari 2025


Den 3:e Juni - 2020

Lemon Drop..

Ska bli intressant.. Tyvärr så har ju chip-chopparna repat sig medans vår infrastruktur ligger på knäna..
Beställt både reflektorer och sålådor.. Men allt verkar vara restat.

Coppans Blogg

"The Lemon Drop chili pepper is a Capsicum Baccatum pepper from Peru that can grow up to 150 cm+. This chili grows very well in a medium sized pot in a sunny window and a single plant can produce 100 fruits in a single season. Some sources state that it is highly branched but my experience is that it needs a lot of pruning to become a well branched plant.

The Lemon Drop chili has a lemony flavoured taste, even the leaves smell like lemon when you touch them. It is a medium hot chili (15.000-30.000 SHU), but the heat is extremely fresh. It can be used in any type of food."

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