Nästa projekt #3 - Ghost Pepper.
Ghost Pepper India Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Hot Chili Seeds Home Garden:

Bhut Jolokia also known as Naga Jolokia, Ghost Pepper, or Ghost Chili Pepper, is considered one of the hottest chili peppers in the world. Entered the Guiness Book of Records in 2007
Has been tested and rated as high as 1,041,000 Scoville units. Grown in the Northeastern region of Assam, India.
Germination requires constant soil temperatures of between 28-30C. In the UK it is best to supply bottom heat with the aid of a propagation mat or propagator.
The seed is unlikely to germinate without additional help in an average UK central heated house.
Soil based compost is best and should be fine and free-draining. Germination in 15-30 days.
Sow indoors with heat provided and lightly cover with vermiculite if possible to 1/4in depth
The seed does not require light during germination; however, once the seeds have germinated you need to provide adequate light for the seedlings.
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