
    13:e Februari 2025


Den 30:e Mars - 2021

Kommande projekt..

MAX4466 Dynamic Microphone Preamplifier Module With SSM2167 Voice Compression:

Coppans Blogg

Low-Cost, Micropower, SC70/SOT23-8, Microphone Preamplifiers with Complete Shutdown

The MAX4465­MAX4469 are micropower op amps optimized for use as microphone preamplifiers. They provide the ideal combination of an optimized gain bandwidth product vs. supply current, and low voltage operation in ultra-small packages.

SSM2167Data SheetRev. G | Page 8 of 12 APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONThe SSM2167 is a complete microphone signal conditioning system on a single integrated circuit. Designed primarily for voice-band applications, this integrated circuit provides ampli-fication, limiting, variable compression, and noise gate. User adjustable compression ratio, noise gate threshold, and two different fixed gains optimize circuit operation for a variety of applications. The SSM2167 also features a low power shutdown mode for battery-powered applications

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